Music Production Help provides music production tutorials, tips and gear reviews for music producers. There’s something here for everybody, from the budding music producer to the experienced pro. The content is produced and curated by Berklee Online author and instructor, Erik “Hawk” Hawkins, who has written several online music courses, books and hundreds of music production articles over the years.

Ableton Live Vids

Reason Tutorials

Pro Tools Tutorials

Gear Reviews

Take Note by Berklee Online

  • Proper Recording Studio Setup
    It doesn’t matter if you’ve got the best gear money can buy if your studio isn’t properly set up. I can’t tell you how many home studios I’ve seen with improperly positioned monitors
  • Ableton Drum Rack in 5 Minutes
    Learn how to create your own Drum Rack patches in Ableton Live in just five minutes with this video tutorial from Erik Hawkins.
  • Waldorf Kyra Synth Module Demo and Review
    Learn how the Waldorf Kyra Synthesizer module can help you optimize space and processing power on your DAW.
  • How to Connect Vintage Analog Synths into Your DAW
    Incorporate some vintage synths into your computer setup, and you’ve got yourself an incredibly powerful music production and sound design toolbox. But first you need to know the best way to plug these old machines into your modern DAW.
  • The Behringer K-2 Synth Revitalizes the Korg MS-20
    One aspect about the Behringer K-2 that’s especially cool is that the original Korg MS-20 patches match up very closely with the K-2’s front panel.

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